This week in Earth Science we learned about the layers of Earth. The layers are the crust, mantle, lithosphere, outer and inner core. The crust is divided into two parts, the continetal crust and oceanic crust. Continetal crust is the part of the crust that is under land. Oceanic crust is the part of the crust that is under the ocean floor. The lithosphere is between the crust and mantle, contains unmelted rocks under the surface. The mantle is where the rocks become magma due the intense heat and pressure. The outer core is the bigger part of the core that surrounds the inner core. The inner core has the least volume of all of Earth's layers.
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My hypothesis was "If I place drops of water on the coins then it will hold about 20 drops per coin." I learned how to make a graph on Microsoft Excel. I also learned that atoms can bond to create a different result.