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1.  Based on your graph, which layer has the greatest
The mantle

2.  Based on your
graph, which layer has the smallest volume? 

The inner core

3.  How did Earth's 4 layers

Many geologists believe that as the Earth cooled the heavier, denser materials
  sank to the center and the lighter materials rose to the top.

4.  The crust can also be divided into 2 types. 
Name the two types and describe 1 property of each

The continetal crust- composed mostly of granite

The oceanic crust- composed mostly of basalt

5.  Something unique happens to rock
in the mantle.  Explain what happens to rock in the mantle and why this is

The rocks in the mantle melt in magma because of the high temperature. It is important because
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 Our hyphothesis was that the coins would hold 35 drops before it would spill over. We learned how to make a scatter plot graph in Microsoft Excel. Also, we learned how to find the average of how many drops on each coin. The materials we used were a penny, a nickel, a dime, a glass beaker, paper towel, and a water dropper. Next time we should work on controlling how fast or how slow we put the drops on the coins. Plus, we should check our math to make sure we didn't type a number(s) wrong in the calculator.