There are four layers in Earth. They are the crust, mantle, outer core,  and inner core. The crust is a very thin layer in comparision to other three layers. There are two types of crust. The continental crust: which is mostly composed of granite and the oceanic crust: which is mostly composed of basalt. The mantle is a unique layer of the other layers beacuse the rocks in it melt in magma due to high tempretures and lots of pressure. Volcanic eruptions are frequent here. Hence the mantle is a liquid layer. It is also  has the greatest volume and is the thickest of all the layers. The outer core is another liquid layer composed of melted iron and nickel, which surrounds the inner core. This  layer is so hot that any metal can be melted to liquid state. The inner core is the a solid and the hottest  layer enough to melt metals to liquid. It has the smallest volume in comparison to the other three layers.  In conclusion, I really enjoyed learning about Earth's four layers, and I am very keen to learn the next chapter/ unit.

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